Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Further Proof.

So last night, when Mom cleaned out the catbox? She left the top off! Just left it off! So all night we had to use it just out there, in front of Bast and everybody! Oh, it was awful.

The only good thing about this is that I got to kick 143 pounds of litter everywhere.


  1. Throwing cat litter is so much fun and theraputic too.

  2. Hahahahahahah. Furry funny. Serves your mom right. She'll never forget the top again!

  3. Heehee! We gots a little curtain fingy that covers ours. But we can still gets some litter out.

  4. Could you ask that your litterbox be put in a closet, or maybe behind a small screen, so if she forgets the top, you at least have a little privacy? No guy wants the entire world watching while he tends to personal business!

  5. It is nice to be able to kick the litter wherever you want all willie-nillie. That's good fun!

  6. Ruby, Rosemary and I have our own private bathroom at Momma and Daddy's. Two big Maine Coon sized litter pans, a sink (that no one ever lets drip, darn it all) and a bathroom fan for when someone lets a stinky. I swear it is not me!


  7. Ohh I'll have to learn to do that. Momma says I'm the only cat that doesn't do that much...

  8. Oh 'barassing. I was doin' my thing one day and the lid camed off with me inside! It actually trapped me in there and it freaked me out soooo much!
    Once, when Momma was cleaning mine, I had to go...and like Annie says in the movie, "when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!" I went! LOL!! She a'scused herself so I could have privacy and then I kicked litter everywhere! It's great fun! LOL!!

  9. You have privacy when you go to the bathroom?!?! I'm in shock. I thought everyone just walked into the box, did their business, and in front of everyone who cared to see.

    Maybe I'm going to kick some litter now too!

  10. I say you remove her bathroom door and invite a bunch of guests over for a show.

    I think her sensitivity level may leap to record highs after that!

  11. You guys are all so funny!

    Edsel, Bast is the Cat Goddess.

  12. We don't like lids and use the rug in front of the box if she tries anything like that. Lids are so limiting.


Wowee meowee.