Tuesday, May 30, 2006


So Mom ordered some parts for her sewing machine from far far away. For me, it was kinda of like free cat toy with purchase, since I got the box to get all busy chewing on. There was also newspaper packing around the parts. Mom smoothed it all out to put it in the recycling and was looking it all over, wondering where it came from.

Now, you know my bro loves newspaper. So I left the box for a few minutes and got up on the counter to take a look at it too, see if it passed my inspection to give over to Eddie. And then I saw it.

All those squillions of hours Mom has spent in the yard doing stuff when she could have been spending time with me? My bro's secret life and he NEVER SAID A MEOW.

Brothers! Posted by Picasa


  1. Momma has spent a squillion bazillion hours on her flowers. She knocks on the window sometimes cuz I sit and look out and watch her; and then I cry.....and she doesn't even care!!

    Patches Lady

  2. Eddie is sneaky! I go out and help my mum in the garden but I never thought of getting paid for it...maybe I could start my own landscaping company and employ my mum to work for me?

  3. Poor kitty..having to open his own biziness. Terrible! Am you comin to mine party next month William?

  4. William you are very sweet. Tell your mama you gotta play the lottery now! HeeHee.

    But seriously, you are very sweeet for thinking of us. I gotta know I have enuf stinky goodness ya know! And mama her medicine.

    Hire Eddie out and get a purrcentage???????

  5. Perhaps you could go into partnership and just supervise.

  6. You should tell Eddie you want to be his partner so you can have your name in the paper too.

  7. Unbelievable. An he neifer said anyfing to you?

  8. mmwwwaaahahaha... William, you are too much. We love you.

  9. Can I just meow - REOW - you look fabulous in your new picture!

  10. That's almost subterfuge! Has Eddie gotten any extra crunchies, stinky goodness, more scritchens than you? I'd ask him why he didn't share this clever idea with you too so you both could benefit!


Wowee meowee.