Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Jingle Bell.

Mom was checking our collars to make sure all our tags were up to date when she let me look at mine. Either I'm getting even tinier, or...

My mom is so funny sometimes. Posted by Picasa


  1. That's a cool jingle bell. I don't have to wear a collar. Momma thinks it will get all tangled in my fur.

  2. Hmmmm I have never seen one of those before ... where do you wear them ... around your tail????

    Hummy sometimes makes me wear a harness around my body and then takes me out walking ... thats fun!

    William you really are a pretty cat ... I love looking at your pictures.

  3. Hi William,
    That looks like one of your Mom's gazing balls, is it?
    your cousin,

  4. LOL, William! It took our mom a minute to figure out the pic, but when she [finally] did, she laffed out loud :)

  5. Goodness, that bell could knock you out if you ran too fast! You could even lose an eye! Be careful, William.

  6. I gots a bell too, but it's not nearly as big as yours. It's a tiny bell and I'm a big cat. It still is plenty jingly though. Why do moms think they need to know where we are at all times? It's not like we wouldn't get into the same things if they were here all the time.

  7. my sister Casey has to wear a bell on her collar to warn the birds and chipmunks that she's around, but i don't 'cause i'm nicer.

  8. Tham am a huge bell. It would hurt your froat if it banged against it.

  9. Wow Wm you have been so busy with your Mom. Our Mom says she likes the new bathroom. It is beauuutiful. And sorry about your Mom's duck feet. Must be hard. Maybe that is why she didn't want to go across the USA in the Chevrolet. And what's with that collar, man? That bell is even to big for Merlin. ~Merlin, Shadow, KO Ko

  10. That is one LARGE jingle bell. But the trick is, can you walk around while wearing it and not make a sound?

  11. oh my gosh that's a HUMONGOUS bell! Is you's neck ok William? I's afurraid my necky would breaky wif dat thing on me. I hopes you's neck is ok!


Wowee meowee.