William made it to his 13th birthday but sadly now faces the end of his life. He is receiving palliative care as he transitions to his 10th life. Please include him in your purrs as he finds his way.
Oh noes! We are so sad to hear that William has to leave. We were hoping for a miracle. William, we have enjoyed meeting you and following your adventures. We always thought you are a cool cat. Georgia will miss you as she was happy to have you as her admirer :) She loves you back! We hope there is plenty of weather stripping at the Bridge. Have fun with it :) We will send our comforting purrs to your mum and your siblings. WE will miss you so much. This one hurts :( Purrs Georgia and Julie, Treasure and JJ and mum Nancy
Oh, my, we are feeling so sad. Sending our gentlest purrs and prayers for William and for Mom. Before we even had a blog, we were introduced to William by Audrey's Mom. May William pass easily to his 10th life, and cavort happily with the kitties who went before him, most especially Russell, Eddie, Olivia and PQ.
Oh no! I'm heartbroken to hear this, and so is my human - William was a big part of Sparkle's blogging life, and mine too and we are going to miss him a lot. Purrs to you and your kitty family.
I send my love and Katie's too. My deepest sympathy. We all know how crushing it is to send our little ones on their last journey to the 10th life. The pain is exquisitely hard to bear. Love to your tiny boy and to you. I am heartbroken at this news.
We haven't visited you in quite a whoe, but we will always remember William when we hear someone say WMD. We are purring for his transition to the next plane be filled with peace and love...
William, You are the Noblest of Kitties and I and the Human will miss you so much. You were one of the very first blogs I found, and we have loved reading about you and your family every day since. Godspeed, Tiny Boy. I'll be seeing you XOXOXOXO
The Human and I wrote an email for your mom when she feels like reading such things. -S-t-K
Oh noes! We will miss you terribly William, you have done your share of chaos ;) which we loved reading about. This news takes us by surprise. Our love to your humans and furblings who will be left behind. I hope your journey is smooth and not painful.
We are just so so sad for you all. William, we sincerely hope that CatHeaven has pink flamingos, all the weatherstripping you want, and your best pals Russel, PQ, the Kangaroo, and Eddie. Sending lots of love, Mommy and the Horde.
Aw, dood...I wanna scream no no no no no no no. You're too awesome to leave :'(
I know there's a ton of fun waiting for you on the flipside, but it sucks on this side right now, ya know? I'll see you when I get there...and man, I hope you have the most wicked cool party waiting for you. Tons of friends are already there--you know they're gonna make it easy for you.
I am so very very sorry! William I've only known you for a relatively short while but got to love you and your fursibs! May your journey be pain free and peaceful. May you hear all our gentle purrs as you make your way to your tenth life. Pawpats from me and gentle hugs to your humans xoxoxox
We are very sorry to hear this. Healing and comforting purrs to all of you. William we have enjoyed getting to know you, you and your family are in out thoughts.
Oh, no! we're shocked and saddened to read this. Of course we're sending our purrs and purrayers to William and to you. We ask the Universe that he cross gently and peacefully, from your love into Infinite Love.
Dear William and your servants We will keep you in our prayers. You had the best life ever. We do hope your last days however many, are spent in comfort and love Always
William you obviously had a lot of love and a lot of friends in your life.....I hope you are comfortable and secure and feel the love as you move to the Bridge on wings of silk. I'll see you there one day soon. I shall look for you.
Ohhhhh =( I'm so sorry to read this about William. He will join many other beloveds, including my Pluto and Indy and Cabernet. Here's a poem a friend gave me after Pluto ran off to the Bridge: “Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you..... I loved you so -- ‘twas Heaven here with you.”
I've been following William for a long time. So sorry. I lost my big boy one year ago and my DIL sent me this: "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodby so hard". AS Milne
I've been following William for a long time. So sorry. I lost my big boy one year ago and my DIL sent me this: "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodby so hard". AS Milne
Our purrs and prayers go out to your family, William. Your story has brought much joy to us, and shares with us the love of your humans. God's Speed into the next. Until we meet again.
Our purrs and prayers go out to your family, William. Your story has brought much joy to us, and shares with us the love of your humans. God's Speed into the next. Until we meet again.
Times such as these are the ones that make us better beings. Times such as these allow us to see the worth of all things present and past. Times such as these may break our hearts but hearts cannot grow until the shell breaks. Times such as these are sad but highlight the depth of love in our hearts. We send love, purrs and prayers of support to you all in times such as these William may you pass to your 10th life with peace in the presence of those who love you. Please watch over us from on high until that day we all meet again. Timmy, Dad Pete and Family
Our hearts are breaking for what you and your humans are going through William. We have not known you as long as some of the others, but our hearts are sad as we loved you too sweet boy. Purrs and prayers are headed your way. Safe travels pal - we are surly going to miss you.
You are the original WMD, and it's hard to say farewell. I know we didn't comment much but we always looked in on what you were doing and followed your blog. We are sorry to see another of the long timers pass to the next world. My heart aches for you because the transition is hard. Always remember the love, it will sustain you when nothing else will. Go gentle sweet boy and give my Abby a nose kiss when you see her at the Bridge.
We just read about William on the POTP blog. We may not know him but we're sure he's the most wonderful boy in the world. Sending lots of love and prayers your way. *ear licks* Noodle and Family
We are so sorry to hear this sad news dear friends. You were among our first blogging buddies and we love William very much. Peace be with all of you, and gentle thoughts of love, light and sunshine to our precious friend. From Lynne, Shaggy and Scout
We are so sorry to hear this sad news dear friends. You were among our first blogging buddies and we love William very much. Peace be with all of you, and gentle thoughts of love, light and sunshine to our precious friend. From Lynne, Shaggy and Scout
We are so sads to hear that William is going home... 13 years seems so short when many kitties make it to 20. We purrz fur you dearest William that you will find joy over the Rainbow Bridge.
Please accept our purrs, prayers and POTP for William as he transitions. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
We are so sorry to hear this sad news. Even if we haven't met, sweet William, we know how hard it is to have to let go. :( May the Angels be with you when you are going to Furryland. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you <3 <3 <3
William, you have been such a cool cat to us. We'll never forget you, always visiting us and giving us your take on our shenanigans. The Bridge has a couple of us waiting for you, continuing the friendship you showed all of us here. You wonderful mancat, you're sure to take a firm place in our hearts where you'll stay always. Hugs of comfort to your family. xxxxx ~ Tinker, Anastasia, Chopin, Bridgie, Mom Julie and Angels Tom.
I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet William.. Letting our loved ones go is the hardest thing to do, but he is with his family as he make his journey. Sending hugs and prayers your way xo
We're so sorry to learn about William. He's so handsome. We're sure he's been a wonderful love for all of you. We're offering our purrs and support at this difficult time. The Boys, Hope and Mom Karen at Kittens n Things.
dood....we haz knot had de honor oh yur friendship az long az most; but we iz thanx full for de time we did have .....we asked R pal St Francis ta bee by yur side; everee step oh de way; two yur tenth life ....we send R hugz & love two ewe, yur familee & mom.... coz we noe how much thiz hurtz ♥♥♥♥♥ boomer, dai$y, tuna...and dude and sauce two
Oh sweet handsum William, we's so sorry. We know you have to go, cuz sis Lexi had to leave us last month. She will be waitin' fur you in heaven to show you around. And we's sendin' lots of purrayers and hugs to your family. We know they need it. You will be missed and always remembered.
This is terrible. Though not a regular visitor to his blog, I've checked in with William from time to time, and have always taken comfort in having his blog here to read. It is sorrowful to think that he will be going away; there were so many more years that he should be sharing with his family and friends.
The greatest of ease to William in the time ahead, however long or short it may be, and the greatest of comfort to those who love him.
I am so sorry to hear this. William will be very much missed all over the blogosphere but by you, his family, most of all. He will soon be with his bros Russell and Eddie. My Fat Eric will show him around too. Hugs. Kate (Fat Eric's mum)
William, you and your Mum live in a part of the USA I have always dreamed of visiting. If I do ever visit you may be off on your 10th life and I am sorry I will miss you.
I just lost my human brofur and yes, the hurt is the same for both. Cat and human bonds are super strong and very deep, so you will be missed. I wish I could take away the hurt, but, maybe the hurt means you were so very VERY much loved that the reunion across the Bridge will be totally immense. I hope so.
Fly free brave spirit, soar high beautiful William.
Woe,woe. Us Missouri Meowers sends soft, loving purrs to you, William. May peace and comfort be yours now and always, and blessings and love surround you and yer fambly.
Woe,woe. Us Missouri Meowers sends soft, loving purrs to you, William. May peace and comfort be yours now and always, and blessings and love surround you and yer fambly.
We love you and wish you peace. (((Hugs))) to you and to your family - we count you as one of our dear blogging friends. May you have a gentle journey - you'll have many friends at the Bridge, including Parker Pie. Smoochies - Parker's family.
Lots of love and deepest sympathy from us here. You know with absolutely no question we feel for you. William, you were one of Orbit's favorite fellow panthers, and I hope the two of you will get to meet up soon and hang out together. I was so saddened to read this. My wife and I send our most sincere thoughts and prayers your way.
I am so sorry. Our hearts are just broken at the McKitten-Cats' house. William found us first when we started our blog back when there just a few of us. I just have to find peace in knowing that he is back with his best buddy Russell. We'll be purring for you and all the kitties over there. Much love, Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh I just saw. I am so so sorry. William was one of the Hotties first friends. Our Gree just recently went to her next life. Maybe she'll meet up with William. Much love to you all. Robyn and the Hotties
Me and my mum are so sorry to hear your sad news William. You are one of mine and Eric's very first friends and I will miss you very much. I hope that your passing is gentle when you decide it is time. We send our hugs and purrs to your family.
WMD, I've always thought you were an amazing kitty. You are one of the reasons I started blogging. Thank you for being an inspiration. Head butts and purrs to you and your humans. We <3 you. Princess Mia
William, we are so sorry to hear that you will be heading to the next life. Angel China Cat and Angel Willow will be there to greet you. Purrs and prayers to you and your family. You will be missed here.
We are sorry to hear William is leaving for the Bridge. Sending purrs, prayers and tons of love. With deepest condolences, Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
I know this is a very difficult time for you, and my intention is not to intrude upon your sorrow. I have done artwork for William, but do not have your email. If you wish to send a note to me, I'll be happy to forward back to you. Ann from Zoolatry ... zoolatry at gmail
I'm sorry you have to leave your human and furry friends behind, but King Obsidian and I are getting everyone together for a big Welcome to The Bridge party for you when you get here. We're also sending lots of purrs to your humans to help with the hurt of their losing you.
Awww William, it's too soon to leave! But then I guess that we all have our special time that we are supposed to be here to share the love and then it's time to go home. May you have a blessed passing as you make your way over the bridge. Thank you for sharing with us your life and joys and love. Till we meet again... I'm sure Beau Beau will be there to see you over the bridge too. Sending love and hugs to your human to help heal her from the pain of missing you when you are gone. ~Angie and Mom Brenda
Purrs and prayers from the Lone Star Purrs. We've been 'friends' for years (since we all started blogging) and our hearts are breaking for y'all. 😿 But we know that our Meeko, and all those that came before, are waiting to welcome you across the Bridge.
Oh, how this hurts. To the family of William, I grieve with thee. I shall search the heavens for that special star shining with a Williamescence. May you find comfort and solace in the coming days.
I sure will miss you, William. I first started reading your blog about 5 years ago when I was grieving the loss of my beloved black cat boy, Buster. Then went back and read all entries.You helped heal my heart. May you go gently. Love to all.
Deer William'ss Mumma wee want to send our LUV an purrayerss to you an sweet William at this sad time! Pleeze know wee are berry sad fur yur loss an hope sweet William will enjoy Pure Land with efurryfing his kitty heart deesiress.... Sinseerlee, Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum Thee Purrfect Pad
We are so sorry that William had to go to the Bridge. We don't get around to visit as much as we used to - we will miss you, sweet boy. Sending gentle purrs and headbutts to your family to help comfort them in their grief.
Oh noes!
ReplyDeleteWe are so sad to hear that William has to leave.
We were hoping for a miracle.
William, we have enjoyed meeting you and following your adventures.
We always thought you are a cool cat.
Georgia will miss you as she was happy to have you as her admirer :) She loves you back!
We hope there is plenty of weather stripping at the Bridge.
Have fun with it :)
We will send our comforting purrs to your mum and your siblings.
WE will miss you so much.
This one hurts :(
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
and mum Nancy
You have our sincerest sympathies. This is the hardest part of loving the furry ones.
ReplyDeleteWe are so sad to hear this about your little black panther. We're sending lots of purrs and hugs your way.
ReplyDeleteOh, my, we are feeling so sad. Sending our gentlest purrs and prayers for William and for Mom. Before we even had a blog, we were introduced to William by Audrey's Mom. May William pass easily to his 10th life, and cavort happily with the kitties who went before him, most especially Russell, Eddie, Olivia and PQ.
ReplyDeleteOh no! I'm heartbroken to hear this, and so is my human - William was a big part of Sparkle's blogging life, and mine too and we are going to miss him a lot. Purrs to you and your kitty family.
ReplyDeleteOh noes! Derby made sure I kept in touch with you guys. Said you were one of his first furiends from blogging.
ReplyDeleteMe and mum have heavy hearts for you and your mum. We know how hard this is. Sending lots of loves, hugs and purrs. Say hi to Derby for us.
I send my love and Katie's too. My deepest sympathy. We all know how crushing it is to send our little ones on their last journey to the 10th life. The pain is exquisitely hard to bear. Love to your tiny boy and to you. I am heartbroken at this news.
ReplyDeleteWe haven't visited you in quite a whoe, but we will always remember William when we hear someone say WMD. We are purring for his transition to the next plane be filled with peace and love...
ReplyDeleteWilliam, You are the Noblest of Kitties and I and the Human will miss you so much. You were one of the very first blogs I found, and we have loved reading about you and your family every day since. Godspeed, Tiny Boy. I'll be seeing you XOXOXOXO
ReplyDeleteThe Human and I wrote an email for your mom when she feels like reading such things. -S-t-K
Oh noes! We will miss you terribly William, you have done your share of chaos ;) which we loved reading about. This news takes us by surprise. Our love to your humans and furblings who will be left behind. I hope your journey is smooth and not painful.
Emma and Buster
My heart is breaking...and love and prayers for all.
ReplyDeleteprays & purrs for you all
ReplyDeleteWe are just so so sad for you all. William, we sincerely hope that CatHeaven has pink flamingos, all the weatherstripping you want, and your best pals Russel, PQ, the Kangaroo, and Eddie. Sending lots of love, Mommy and the Horde.
ReplyDeleteWe're all so very sorry. Peace and eternal purrs to you, William.
Aw, dood...I wanna scream no no no no no no no. You're too awesome to leave :'(
ReplyDeleteI know there's a ton of fun waiting for you on the flipside, but it sucks on this side right now, ya know? I'll see you when I get there...and man, I hope you have the most wicked cool party waiting for you. Tons of friends are already there--you know they're gonna make it easy for you.
But damn. I hate the idea of you not being HERE.
We're sending purrs of comfort to William and all of you.
Godspeed, William.
ReplyDeleteWe have a candle lit here to guide your way with light and love.
Purrs xxxx
Awwww! Sending gentle pets and hugs for the humans. A tough time. Peace to you all. Xoxo
ReplyDeleteAwwww! Sending gentle pets and hugs for the humans. A tough time. Peace to you all. Xoxo
ReplyDeleteGo gently, little soul. With love. X
ReplyDeleteWe're so sorry. Fly Free William.
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
I am so very very sorry! William I've only known you for a relatively short while but got to love you and your fursibs! May your journey be pain free and peaceful. May you hear all our gentle purrs as you make your way to your tenth life. Pawpats from me and gentle hugs to your humans xoxoxox
ReplyDeleteWe're so very sorry. Sending you lots of love, purrs, and hugs.
ReplyDeleteWe are very sorry to hear this. Healing and comforting purrs to all of you. William we have enjoyed getting to know you, you and your family are in out thoughts.
ReplyDeleteOh no! We are so very sad and sorry to hear this news. We send lots of comforting purrs and gentle headbutts.
ReplyDeleteOh no....we are sending gentle purrs to all of you. We are very sorry.
ReplyDeleteWE sure send tons of purrs and big hugs to the peeps. We are so sorry. We understand the hurt.
ReplyDeletePrayers and love.
ReplyDeleteOh, no! we're shocked and saddened to read this. Of course we're sending our purrs and purrayers to William and to you. We ask the Universe that he cross gently and peacefully, from your love into Infinite Love.
ReplyDeletePeace and Blessings.
Kim, Nicki and Derry
We are so very sorry dear William. Purrs and prayers from all of us. Safe journey dear boy.
ReplyDeleteOh William. You will always be our favorite tiny boy. Say meow to Sophia when you get to the bridge.
ReplyDeleteOur thoughts and prayers are with you William as you go on your next journey.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Dear William and your servants
ReplyDeleteWe will keep you in our prayers.
You had the best life ever. We do hope your last days however many, are spent in comfort and love
Miles, Pierro and Rosemary
We are so sorry to hear that William is leaving on his next adventure. Love and sympathy to his family.
ReplyDeleteMaggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red
Sweet William we will miss you - please say hello to ourMum's
ReplyDeletefirst cat who was also called William.
William you obviously had a lot of love and a lot of friends in your life.....I hope you are comfortable and secure and feel the love as you move to the Bridge on wings of silk. I'll see you there one day soon. I shall look for you.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Sammy
Ohhhhh =(
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to read this about William. He will join many other beloveds, including my Pluto and Indy and Cabernet. Here's a poem a friend gave me after Pluto ran off to the Bridge:
“Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you.....
I loved you so --
‘twas Heaven here with you.”
--by Ilsa Paschal Richardson
ReplyDeleteSending lots of purrs. We've been through it. It's hard. We understand. Lots of love to William. - Alana and Crepes.
ReplyDeletewe are sending much love for his sad journey and trying not to be sad ourselves (thought we are) because he has brought so much joy into our lives xxx
ReplyDeleteI've been following William for a long time. So sorry.
ReplyDeleteI lost my big boy one year ago and my DIL sent me this:
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodby so hard". AS Milne
Oh, William & family... we are sending you purrs & hoping the rest of your days are painless as possible. Love to you all....
ReplyDeleteI've been following William for a long time. So sorry.
ReplyDeleteI lost my big boy one year ago and my DIL sent me this:
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodby so hard". AS Milne
We are sad for you as we read this. :(
ReplyDeleteAll of us are sending gentle ((hugs)) and prayers during this time.
ReplyDelete~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie
I am so sorry that William is going to be leaving you. He is a beautiful boy. I will be praying for you.
ReplyDeleteOur purrs and prayers go out to your family, William. Your story has brought much joy to us, and shares with us the love of your humans.
ReplyDeleteGod's Speed into the next.
Until we meet again.
Our purrs and prayers go out to your family, William. Your story has brought much joy to us, and shares with us the love of your humans.
ReplyDeleteGod's Speed into the next.
Until we meet again.
Times such as these are the ones that make us better beings.
ReplyDeleteTimes such as these allow us to see the worth of all things present and past.
Times such as these may break our hearts but hearts cannot grow until the shell breaks.
Times such as these are sad but highlight the depth of love in our hearts.
We send love, purrs and prayers of support to you all in times such as these
William may you pass to your 10th life with peace in the presence of those who love you. Please watch over us from on high until that day we all meet again.
Timmy, Dad Pete and Family
Our hearts are breaking for what you and your humans are going through William. We have not known you as long as some of the others, but our hearts are sad as we loved you too sweet boy. Purrs and prayers are headed your way. Safe travels pal - we are surly going to miss you.
ReplyDeleteYou are the original WMD, and it's hard to say farewell. I know we didn't comment much but we always looked in on what you were doing and followed your blog. We are sorry to see another of the long timers pass to the next world. My heart aches for you because the transition is hard. Always remember the love, it will sustain you when nothing else will. Go gentle sweet boy and give my Abby a nose kiss when you see her at the Bridge.
ReplyDeleteWe adored reading about your life William. You have your family's loving care to send you on a blessed swift journey to The Bridge.
ReplyDeleteJoining the paw circle to wish William and your family peace at this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteWe just read about William on the POTP blog. We may not know him but we're sure he's the most wonderful boy in the world. Sending lots of love and prayers your way. *ear licks* Noodle and Family
ReplyDeleteOh my! William, my sweet boy...it was you who started me on my path of cat blog...I am at a loss, this news hitting me hard.
ReplyDeleteWilliam was the first cat blog I stumbled onto so many years ago... Farewell Old Man and see you at the R Bridge...
We are so sorry to hear this sad news dear friends. You were among our first blogging buddies and we love William very much. Peace be with all of you, and gentle thoughts of love, light and sunshine to our precious friend. From Lynne, Shaggy and Scout
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry to hear this sad news dear friends. You were among our first blogging buddies and we love William very much. Peace be with all of you, and gentle thoughts of love, light and sunshine to our precious friend. From Lynne, Shaggy and Scout
ReplyDeleteMany hugs and purrs to you William. It is hard to live a long life in this world sometimes, so we wish you well as you transition.
ReplyDeleteAll of us at Forty Paws and Maw
We are so sads to hear that William is going home... 13 years seems so short when many kitties make it to 20. We purrz fur you dearest William that you will find joy over the Rainbow Bridge.
ReplyDeleteKatie Kat and Katie Kitty Too
We are very sad to hear the William will be leaving us. Sending all of you our thoughts.
ReplyDeleteAmanda and Luna (CatSynth)
Our little kitty eyes are leaking!
ReplyDeletePurrs and prayers and great big Noodle hugs.
We love you William...
Noodle and crew
Please accept our purrs, prayers and POTP for William as he transitions. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteFarewell William, big head bumps and love go to your family from all of us. We know you will be greatly missed.
We will be thinking of you and your family William as you journey across that bridge. Hugs and prayers...stella rose
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry to hear this sad news. Even if we haven't met, sweet William, we know how hard it is to have to let go. :( May the Angels be with you when you are going to Furryland. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you <3 <3 <3
ReplyDeleteWilliam, you have been such a cool cat to us. We'll never forget you, always visiting us and giving us your take on our shenanigans. The Bridge has a couple of us waiting for you, continuing the friendship you showed all of us here. You wonderful mancat, you're sure to take a firm place in our hearts where you'll stay always. Hugs of comfort to your family. xxxxx ~ Tinker, Anastasia, Chopin, Bridgie, Mom Julie and Angels Tom.
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry! Sending love and hugs.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to miss you William! May you have a safe and easy trip to the Bridge...
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about your sweet William.. Letting our loved ones go is the hardest thing to do, but he is with his family as he make his journey. Sending hugs and prayers your way xo
ReplyDeleteWe're so sorry to learn about William. He's so handsome. We're sure he's been a wonderful love for all of you. We're offering our purrs and support at this difficult time. The Boys, Hope and Mom Karen at Kittens n Things.
ReplyDeleteBucket loads of purrs and prayers headed your way {{{HUGS}}}
ReplyDeleteÉ uma notícia muito triste, estamos enviando muitos ronronas
ReplyDeletepara Willian e um abraço carinhoso para sua família.
dood....we haz knot had de honor oh yur friendship az long az most; but we iz thanx full for de time we did have .....we asked R pal St Francis ta bee by yur side; everee step oh de way; two yur tenth life ....we send R hugz & love two ewe, yur familee & mom.... coz we noe how much thiz hurtz ♥♥♥♥♥ boomer, dai$y, tuna...and dude and sauce two
ReplyDeleteWe are sending our love and prayers to William and your family. May the thirteen wonderful years he enjoyed fill your hearts with happy memories. ♥ ♥
ReplyDeleteDefinitely purring for William. We know how painful this can be, having been through it so many times. Sending you Light Blessings from all of us at
Oh sweet handsum William, we's so sorry. We know you have to go, cuz sis Lexi had to leave us last month. She will be waitin' fur you in heaven to show you around. And we's sendin' lots of purrayers and hugs to your family. We know they need it. You will be missed and always remembered.
ReplyDeleteLuv ya'
Dezi and mommy A
This is terrible. Though not a regular visitor to his blog, I've checked in with William from time to time, and have always taken comfort in having his blog here to read. It is sorrowful to think that he will be going away; there were so many more years that he should be sharing with his family and friends.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest of ease to William in the time ahead, however long or short it may be, and the greatest of comfort to those who love him.
I am so sorry. I pray for comfort and peace for William and all of you.
ReplyDeleteWe are sorry for William's decline. We are praying for his comfort and yours. Toby, Simon, BobbieSue, MerryBelle and Momma Sabina
ReplyDeleteSafe travels kitteh, peace to those who love you!
ReplyDeleteNuk & family
Oh William no. We are sending many purrs and prayers to you. You are one of our oldest and dearest friends and we love you
ReplyDeleteSending comforting purrs and prayers.
ReplyDeleteSending comforting purrs, soft woofs and peaceful karma to all of you. So very broken hearted for you all.
ReplyDeleteMarty, Mom and the Gang
I am so sorry to hear this. William will be very much missed all over the blogosphere but by you, his family, most of all. He will soon be with his bros Russell and Eddie. My Fat Eric will show him around too. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteKate (Fat Eric's mum)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWilliam, you and your Mum live in a part of the USA I have always dreamed of visiting. If I do ever visit you may be off on your 10th life and I am sorry I will miss you.
ReplyDeleteI just lost my human brofur and yes, the hurt is the same for both. Cat and human bonds are super strong and very deep, so you will be missed. I wish I could take away the hurt, but, maybe the hurt means you were so very VERY much loved that the reunion across the Bridge will be totally immense. I hope so.
Fly free brave spirit, soar high beautiful William.
Marjorie and the Dash Kitten crew in New Zealand
Woe,woe. Us Missouri Meowers sends soft, loving purrs to you, William. May peace and comfort be yours now and always, and blessings and love surround you and yer fambly.
ReplyDeleteWoe,woe. Us Missouri Meowers sends soft, loving purrs to you, William. May peace and comfort be yours now and always, and blessings and love surround you and yer fambly.
ReplyDeleteWe love you and wish you peace. (((Hugs))) to you and to your family - we count you as one of our dear blogging friends. May you have a gentle journey - you'll have many friends at the Bridge, including Parker Pie. Smoochies - Parker's family.
ReplyDeleteLots of love and deepest sympathy from us here. You know with absolutely no question we feel for you. William, you were one of Orbit's favorite fellow panthers, and I hope the two of you will get to meet up soon and hang out together. I was so saddened to read this. My wife and I send our most sincere thoughts and prayers your way.
ReplyDeleteAw, poop. This is not good news. I hope you find my Grace up there in heaven.
ReplyDeleteMy dear friend, William's mom and/or dad... I am very sorry. I know the heartache. I am thinking of you.
::sniff:: William, you have been an inspiration to me as I started my own blog years ago. Sending you our most comforting purrrrs.
ReplyDeleteCory and family
William was one of Diamond's friends. I am sending many purrs your way and Lynettea is crying.
I am so sorry. Our hearts are just broken at the McKitten-Cats' house. William found us first when we started our blog back when there just a few of us. I just have to find peace in knowing that he is back with his best buddy Russell. We'll be purring for you and all the kitties over there.
ReplyDeleteMuch love, Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh I just saw. I am so so sorry. William was one of the Hotties first friends. Our Gree just recently went to her next life. Maybe she'll meet up with William. Much love to you all. Robyn and the Hotties
ReplyDeleteLove, purrs, and prayers, always.
Love, purrs, and prayers, always.
Purrs, prayers, and headbutts.
ReplyDeleteKimo & Sabi & Mommakitty
Me and my mum are so sorry to hear your sad news William. You are one of mine and Eric's very first friends and I will miss you very much. I hope that your passing is gentle when you decide it is time. We send our hugs and purrs to your family.
ReplyDeleteWMD, I've always thought you were an amazing kitty. You are one of the reasons I started blogging. Thank you for being an inspiration. Head butts and purrs to you and your humans. We <3 you.
ReplyDeletePrincess Mia
Sending prayers and purrs. William, may you have a peaceful journey. Hugs to your family.
ReplyDeleteScout Charles, his fur sibs and mom
William, we are so sorry to hear that you will be heading to the next life. Angel China Cat and Angel Willow will be there to greet you. Purrs and prayers to you and your family. You will be missed here.
ReplyDeletePurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William
Thinking of you all during this sad time.
ReplyDeleteCats of wildcat woods
We are sorry to hear William is leaving for the Bridge. Sending purrs, prayers and tons of love.
ReplyDeleteWith deepest condolences,
Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
I know this is a very difficult time for you, and my intention is not to intrude upon your sorrow. I have done artwork for William, but do not have your email. If you wish to send a note to me, I'll be happy to forward back to you. Ann from Zoolatry ...
ReplyDeletezoolatry at gmail
Sorry to hear that you are going to the Bridge; but, I will be glad that you are no longer suffering. Good-bye my friend, I will miss you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you have to leave your human and furry friends behind, but King Obsidian and I are getting everyone together for a big Welcome to The Bridge party for you when you get here. We're also sending lots of purrs to your humans to help with the hurt of their losing you.
ReplyDeleteUntil the Next, may the grass be warm under your paws, butterflies tickle your nose, and sun puddles ease your slumber.
ReplyDelete~BratCat, Rags, Geo, & Vicat
Awww William, it's too soon to leave! But then I guess that we all have our special time that we are supposed to be here to share the love and then it's time to go home. May you have a blessed passing as you make your way over the bridge. Thank you for sharing with us your life and joys and love. Till we meet again... I'm sure Beau Beau will be there to see you over the bridge too. Sending love and hugs to your human to help heal her from the pain of missing you when you are gone.
ReplyDelete~Angie and Mom Brenda
Purrs and prayers from the Lone Star Purrs. We've been 'friends' for years (since we all started blogging) and our hearts are breaking for y'all. 😿 But we know that our Meeko, and all those that came before, are waiting to welcome you across the Bridge.
~Kiara and Momma Becca
Lone Star Purrs
Sending our softest meezer purrs to help you at this sad and difficult time.
ReplyDeleteSaying goodbye is so hard.
((((( ♥ )))))
Oh, how this hurts. To the family of William, I grieve with thee. I shall search the heavens for that special star shining with a Williamescence. May you find comfort and solace in the coming days.
ReplyDeleteOur thoughts are with you at this tough time.
ReplyDeleteJulie and Poppy Q
Our thoughts are with you at this tough time.
ReplyDeleteJulie and Poppy Q
we are still purring for all of you. <3
ReplyDeleteI sure will miss you, William. I first started reading your blog about 5 years ago when I was grieving the loss of my beloved black cat boy, Buster. Then went back and read all entries.You helped heal my heart. May you go gently. Love to all.
ReplyDeleteWilliam, love you sweet boy, your Mommy's tiny boy.
ReplyDeleteDeer William'ss Mumma wee want to send our LUV an purrayerss to you an sweet William at this sad time!
ReplyDeletePleeze know wee are berry sad fur yur loss an hope sweet William will enjoy Pure Land with efurryfing his kitty heart deesiress....
Sinseerlee, Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum
Thee Purrfect Pad
We are so sorry that William had to go to the Bridge. We don't get around to visit as much as we used to - we will miss you, sweet boy. Sending gentle purrs and headbutts to your family to help comfort them in their grief.
ReplyDeleteCharlemagne, Tamar and Mal