Sunday, November 02, 2008

Times They Are A-Changin'.

So my mom says everything should be back to normal in a few days. In the meantime, we're just taking it easy when we can and enjoying the tiny day.

Again I have to say that I don't like this whole time change business. Our dinner was late even though we were all ready when we thought we should be fed. And this time, even Mom's radio alarm joined the protest and absolutely refused to reset. 12:00! 12:00! 12:00! 12:00!

Maybe it too was saying "Feed me!" "Feed me!" "Feed me!" "Feed me!"


  1. I know. I waited and waited and waited for dinner... sigh.

  2. HAHAHA that your mum can't get the clock to reset. Mum bought one that does it all by itself.

  3. Yah~!
    I think slave human beans should invent a alarm clock, when the time's up, should shouting :"feed your cat! Feed your cat!"

  4. Mom doesn't have an alarm clock - she has us!

  5. At least life should be back to normal soon William...dinner will be back on time, the election will be over. Maybe you can talk your mom into pre-dinner snacks.

  6. Our breakfast and dinner have been late for two days now! I sure hope Mom gets back on the program, time change or not!

  7. Yes, the time change is very disorienting ... Mom and Dad sleeping later than usual ... the whole routine is just off!

  8. We don't like the change either. Our stomachs (which are on real time) don't match the clocks any more (which to us is arbitrary time). When we want our dinner we want it now. Who cares if we have to walk over their bedheads to get it? Get up & feed us!

  9. Tommy and I said the same thing to our mom...feed us...feed us...feed us!!!

  10. Gorgeous picture. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

  11. I wholeheartedly agree that change stinks. Cats shouldn't have to suffer such torture.


Wowee meowee.