Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meezer Rule Wednesday.

It's me, Caroline! Despite William's best efforts to take over tonight. See how he tried to distract me?

Where is a giant nip plant?

My rule for today is No distracting a meezer! And William, you'll have to wait until tomorrow!


  1. You can't distract a meezer. Nice try William.

  2. Well done for trying William! I'm feeling mean coz I didn't visit the flamingos! This wasn't on purpose, just time being too short:( xxx

  3. That is a good rule. I was very afraid they would take over Meezer Rule Wednesday--and that is not okay!

  4. Giant nip plant? We could be distracted for a giant nip plant!

  5. Did someone say giant nip plant?

  6. Meezers are not easily distracted. We thought everyone knew that. Now, where's the giant nip plant?

  7. Did you say giant nip plant? Out nip plant bit it this summer in the heat.

  8. Good job Caroline! Bet it was very hard not being distracted by your brother. It sure would be nice if someone (perhaps someone named Mom) planted you a giant nip plant. Just the thought of that makes my bro start slobbering!


Wowee meowee.