Thursday, June 10, 2010

Riveting Entertainment.

So you'll never guess what happened this morning...something so monumental that Russell and Caroline were able to be in close proximity for several minutes without any drama.

There was a MOTHAPALOOZA going on out there! So many moths that several very confused ones kept trying to get in! Oh, the excitement! The laughter from my bro and sis! The frenzied climbing up the screens! (Well, until my mom said, "Russell, don't wreck the house for a moth that's outside.") We have no idea where they came from or why this happened, but it sure was nice to have the peace!

Have a great weekend, everybody! I think our heat wave is supposed to even ease a bit!


  1. Wow! We wonder if there will be an encore or if it was a one-time gig? Either way, it's amazing to see Russell & Caroline in the same frame.

    Felix says moths are delicious, but you need a LOT of them to fill up on.

  2. What fun! We often jump at our window trying to catch a moth that is outside, too.
    Moth TV is fun!
    Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

  3. Ohhhh...I would totally buy tickets for that show!

  4. Wow, Russell and Caroline are quite fixated on the moths, aren't they? Fun picture!

  5. Oh wow, we would have loved to have been there!

  6. Wow. That must have been something to see!

  7. Show-stopping moths will bring a family together every time....

  8. Well, that IS exciting. We only see moths at night around here.

  9. Oh we all love to watch those things too...and I can catch them pretty darn good!

  10. I was chasing a big fly that the lady let come inside the house today. He is gone now, we have peace too.

    Happy Weekend.

    Ducky, Derby too.

  11. I can't even believe that is really Russell & Caroline.
    That giant moth must've opened a wormhole to an alternate universe!

  12. Wow!! Your mom really should have let one or five of the moths inside!

    Aren't moths wonderfully fun to watch and whenever possible chase and eat!


Wowee meowee.